5 Common Pool Opening Mistakes

Cutting corners to save time, balance pool water chemicals and prepare equipment can cost you in the long run. It’s a marathon, not a sprint to open your pool! Let us help you start the pool season in peace and comfort. Continue reading to discover the 5 most common pool opening errors, and how to avoid them.

1. You Should Clean Your Pool Deck First

You may not even realize that the first mistake you make when opening your pool has nothing to do with the water. Start with the pool deck. Spend some time cleaning off the dirt and grime which has accumulated on your deck and in its vicinity over the past few months. By cleaning your deck, you can prevent debris from entering your pool. It won’t ruin the pool cover that you are about to clean.

2. Not Cleaning Your Pool Cover

You realize that your workload has doubled when you are removing the cover from your pool. The leaves and debris from the cover have now gotten into your pool. Remove as much debris as you can before trying to remove the cover. Clear the top layer with a blower and then scoop away the rest of the rubble using a leaf rake.

It will be easier to fold your cover and clean it after you remove it from the pool if you have already cleaned your deck. Use a leaf blower or a hose to clean mesh covers. It is important that the cover be completely dried before folding it up to store.

Store your cover in a dry, clean area to prevent mice or bugs from taking up residence.

3. Missing the Opportunity to Raise Water Levels

While you are removing the pool cover, refill the water level. Multitasking is a good idea because it takes time to fill the pool. You don’t want to get to the point of firing up the pump only to find out that the waterline for the skimmer is too low. You may want to move the top-off of your pool’s water level up a step depending on its level. Then, just tuck in the hose under the cover as you finish the deck and cover.

4. Do Not Clean Water Tubes or Bags

After a long off-season, if you used tubes to cover a solid cover for a pool or to fill in safety gaps on the cover, they will be dirty and smelly. Lay them out flat on a surface such as a driveway and hose them down. Then scrub them with a brush. Store them safely in a dry place. Let them air-dry before folding or rolling them up. With a vinyl patch kit, you can repair any holes.

5. Safety Cover Anchor Missing

You may have accidentally stepped on an anchor that was left behind by a deck cover. Do yourself a favor and double-check after you have worked your way around the perimeter of the pool, putting all the anchors into their homes to hibernate over the summer. You’re likely to find that one or two anchors have been missed or require some extra elbow grease in order to get them flush with the deck. It’s better to get it done now than to have them find you later.

Florida Pool Patio is a second-generation company that comprises of engineering professionals with a top-notch team. Our team has built a reputation for providing a positive experience and satisfied clientele with the latest technology. Our company will not settle merely building pools and patios; we want to positively impact the environment and benefit our clients from our knowledge. From construction to maintenance to outstanding customer service, we will never settle for less than the best. Click Here to learn more!

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